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# WP1: Seafloor Signal Separation and Noise Removal

Work Package Management Site

WP1 will animate collaborations between participants and WPs. A management committee consisting of one representative of each partner will ensure that the funds are appropriately expended and that temporary posts are properly advertised and are selected in a timely manner. We will share and evaluate scientific results and work advancement at biannual meetings. A small operations budget will allow us to invite outside researchers to participate in these meetings.

The Data Management Plan (DMP) will be based on putting and retrieving data to/from FDSN- compatible data centers (RESIF if collected using French instruments). Enhanced data will be proposed to the data center: if it cannot distribute the data, the DMP will specify how to make it publicly available.

Open Science guidelines will reiterate ANR-required guidelines for publications and specify rules for making available codes developed during the project (publication of all software on an open-software site (e.g. GitLab) and distribution of operating software on open-software deployment sites (e.g., PyPI).


Number Title Responsable Status
T1.1 Administrative management, coordination @WayneCrawford, Frederic not started
T1.2 Financial management ???, @WayneCrawford not started
T1.3 Promotion of internal communication ???, ??? not started
T1.4 Writing/implementation of Open Science guidelines & Data Management Plan @WayneCrawford, ??? not started
T1.5 Project dissemination @WayneCrawford, Guilhem, Eleonore not started


Number Title Due Date Status
D1.1 Kick-off meeting M1 not started
D1.2 Open source guidelines M6, M30, M48 not started
D1.3 Periodic and final reports M12, M24, M36, M48 not started
D1.4 Dissemination report M48 not started