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Datasets open or available through BRUIT-FM

Explore open datasets directly on the world map.

Direct access to the list of networks.

Recommended BRUIT-FM datasets (available through WP2)

Not yet selected. Here are some possibilities:

Name Location # stations (BB) min/max freq (Hz) Start End Availabilty Access
Gorda NE Pacific 40 (2) 0.001/40 2013-10 2015-09 open Z5 (IRIS)
RHUM-RUM Indian 57 (57) 0.001/50 2012-09 2013-11 open YV (RESIF)
MAYOBS Indian 6-12 (1) 0.1 /100 2019-02 ongoing private 1T (
EMSO-MOMAR N Atlantic 5 (1) 0.001/50 2007-07 ongoing public 4G (RESIF)
AlpArray Ligurian Sea 35 (35) 0.001/40 2017-06 2018-02 public starting April 2022 Z3 (RESIF)
PiLAB C Atlantic 40 (40) 0.001/40 2016-03 2017-03 embargoed XS (IRIS & Wayne?)
Ocean Obs. Initiative NE Atlantic 7 (3) 0.001/100 2014-08 ongoing public OO (IRIS)
Cascadia NE Pacific ~60) 0.01/50 2011-07 2015-10 public 7D (IRIS)
SEIS-ADELICE Antarctica 5(2) 0.1/100 2022-02 ongoing embargoed through Guilhem
AACSE Alaska 85 (?) 0.01/100 2018-05 2019-09 open XO (IRIS)
NEAREST Gulf of Cadiz ?? ?? ?? ?? private shared

Examples of data and metadata access using obspy

Getting station/channel information from an FDSN (RESIF, IRIS,…) site

In a first time, you can go to the FDSN network website, enter the network code and go to the linked site, which will usually have a map of the stations and basic information about the available channels/stations (look for “fedcatalog”)

You can also get the information using python/obspy

from obspy.clients.fdsn import Client
from obspy import UTCDateTime

client_address = 'IRIS'  # or "RESIF", or a private URL such as "", if you have access to it
net = 'Z5'
start_time = UTCDateTime('2013-10-01T')
end_time = UTCDateTime('2015-09-30T')
level = 'channel' # from least to most details: 'network', 'station', 'channel', 'response'

client = Client(client_address)
inventory = client.get_stations(network=net, starttime=start_time, endtime=end_time, level=level)
print(inventory)    # Writes basic information about stations to the screen
inventory.write('', 'STATIONTXT', level=level)  # writes more detailed info to

Getting waveform data from an FDSN site

from obspy.clients.fdsn import Client
from obspy.core import UTCDateTime

client_address = 'IRIS'
net = 'Z5'
sta = 'BB870'
loc = '*'
cha = 'B*'            # returns all channels starting with "B"
start_time = UTCDateTime('2014-08-01T')
end_time = UTCDateTime('2014-08-02T')

client = Client(client_address)
stream = client.get_waveforms(network=net, station=sta, channel=cha, location=loc,
                              starttime=start_time, endtime=end_time)
# In case you prefer WAV data to seismological formats...
for trace in stream:
  trace.write( + '.wav', 'WAV')