93 networks

NetworkNetwork NameOperatorStart DateEnd Date
1BGulf of Alaska Active Source Experiment Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI)2011/06/162011/06/22
1ECrustal Magma Plumbing of the Santorini Volcanic System - OBS Component University of Oregon2015/11/182015/12/10
1LLoki Castle Hydrothermal in-situ Experiments and Seismology Surveys University of Bergen (UiB Norway)2017/06/092018/03/01
1TTemporal seismological network Mayotte Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris IPGS (Institut de Physique du Globe de Strasbourg) 2019/02/232022/07/17
2AGravity Lineations, Intraplate Melting, Petrologic and Seismic Expedition Brown University2001/12/012002/11/25
2BOBSIP: Bering Sea Active Source Experiment Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI)2011/08/202011/08/29
2DAlbacore UC San Diego2010/08/152011/09/16
2ESouthwest Indian Ridge Earthquakes and Hydrothermal Plumes Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research2012/12/052013/11/26
3FMacquarie Ridge Australian National University (ANU, Australia)2020/10/082021/11/26
3SArchimedes GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel (IFM-GEOMAR)2018/12/132019/01/21
4EMARS/Testing of cabled broadband OBS using MARS test facility University of California, San Diego (UCSD)2010/04/032011/10/26
4GEMSO-MOMAR Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris2008/08/112009/09/02
4LIMAGE Reykjanes Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum GFZ (GFZ Potsdam)2014/05/262015/08/29
4NChina-Western Australia Seismic array Macquarie University (Australia)2017/09/082018/06/18
5FINTAROS temporary Ocean Bottom Seismometers (OBS) on northern Mid Atlantic Ridge University of Bergen (UiB Norway) Inst of Geophysics2018/07/312019/08/19
6AWalvis Ridge Passive Source Seismic Experiment GEOFON Program (GFZ-Potsdam, Germany)2011/01/032012/01/12
7ACascadia- Keck Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI)2010/07/132011/06/28
7BPacificORCA Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI)2019/11/162020/12/02
7DCascadia Initiative Community Experiment - OBS Component IRIS HQ (DC)2011/07/252015/10/10
7KAtlanticNoise Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI)2018/11/302019/09/02
8FHikurangi Ocean Bottom Investigation of Tremor and Slow Slip, LBPR and TXBP data University of Texas at Austin2014/05/092015/06/29
9ALoihi Seismicity Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI)2010/09/152011/08/02
9HIntegrated observations from NEAR shore sourcES of Tsunamis: towards an early warning system Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research2007/08/292008/08/11
AUAustralian National Seismograph Network Geoscience Australia (GA)2001/08/282025/01/01
BKBerkeley Digital Seismograph Network UC Berkeley1997/06/072016/08/03
CACatalan Seismic Network Institut Cartogràfic i Geològic de Catalunya (ICGC)2005/08/132025/01/01
CACatalan Seismic Network Institut Cartogràfic i Geològic de Catalunya (ICGC)2005/08/132025/01/01
CQCyprus Broadband Seismological Network Geological Survey Department Cyprus2014/01/162025/01/01
FRRESIF and other broad-band and accelerometric permanent networks in metropolitan France Reseau sismologique et géodésique français (RESIF)2005/04/012025/01/01
GLGuadeloupe Seismic and Volcano Observatory Network Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris2021/06/012025/01/01
H2Hawaii 2 Observatory University of Hawaii (UH)1999/10/042003/05/27
IMInternational Miscellaneous Stations None2001/08/282025/01/01
IVItalian National Seismic Network Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV)2020/01/202025/01/01
KPKorea Polar Observation Network Korea Polar Research Institute (KOPRI)2014/12/292015/12/12
NMCooperative New Madrid Seismic NetworkCERI - University of Memphis2010/06/152014/09/27
NVNEPTUNE Ocean Networks Canada (ONC)2009/09/072025/01/01
OOOcean Observatories Initiative Rutgers University2014/07/242025/01/01
X1Development and Testing of a Deep-Water, Acoustically-Linked, Moored- Buoy Seafloor Observatory Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI)2004/05/162005/07/06
X3MARINER: Seismic Investigation of the Rainbow Hydrothermal Field University of Hawaii (UH)2013/04/162014/01/09
X6Evolution and hydration of the Juan de Fuca crust and uppermost mantle Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI)2012/06/072012/07/23
X9Plate Boundary Evolution and Physics at an Oceanic Transform Fault System Oregon State University (OSU USA)2012/09/182013/10/06
XCCooperative Project on South Island New ZealandIRIS/PASSCAL1996/02/141996/04/15
XEPacific Array - Haxby IRIS HQ (DC)2018/04/162019/05/26
XFMantle serpentinization and water cycling through the Mariana Trench and Forearc Washington University in St. Louis (WUSTL)2012/01/262013/02/10
XITAG Hydrothermal Mound Passive Seismic Experiment Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI)2003/06/252004/03/31
XJGulf of Mexico Hydrates Research Consortium Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI)2011/04/032011/04/08
XMOcean Seismic Network Exp.IRIS/PASSCAL1998/02/031998/06/16
XOAACSE: Alaska Amphibious Community seismic Experiment Cornell University2018/05/102019/10/22
XPA Broadband Seismic Investigation of Deep Continental Structure Across the East-West Antarctic BoundaryIRIS/PASSCAL2000/12/082003/12/31
XTCrust-Mantle Interactions during Continental Growth and High-Pressure Rock Exhumation at an Oblique Arc-Continent Collision Zone: SE Caribbean Margin University of California, San Diego (UCSD)2004/03/162005/03/20
XUDeception Island Passive/Active Source University of Washington2005/01/072005/02/22
XWPisagua/Iquique Crustal Tomography to Understand the Region of the Earthquake Source - OBSIP OBS Component IRIS OBSIP (OBSIP)2016/10/232016/12/06
XZGulf of Mexico USGS Hydrates USGS Woods Hole2013/04/182013/05/02
YBEvolution of Slow-Spreading Oceanic Crust: South Atlantic Texas A&M University2016/01/162016/01/26
YDCalabria-Appennine-Tyrrhenian/Subduction-Collision-Accretion NetworkIRIS/PASSCAL2004/10/072005/08/27
YFA new survey studies the Northeastern Caribbean plate: GEOPRICO-DO Project Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI)2005/03/272005/11/05
YHHikurangi Ocean Bottom Investigation of Tremor and Slow Slip University of Texas at Austin2014/05/112015/06/26
YIGEOPRICO2 Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI)2007/03/092007/09/06
YLLau Basin OBS Experiment Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI)2009/01/222010/12/03
YMAndreanoff Active-Source OBS Experiment Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI)2020/09/052020/09/22
YMTaiwan Supplement #2 to TAIGER projectIRIS/PASSCAL2007/11/132009/06/30
YNETMO: Endeavour Seismic Tomography Experiment University of Oregon2009/08/222009/09/16
YOEastern North American Margin Community Seismic Experiment University of Texas at Austin2014/04/022015/04/06
YSPlume Lithosphere Undersea Melt Experiment Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI)2005/01/052007/12/14
YVRUM-RHUM Reseau sismologique et géodésique français (RESIF)2012/09/292013/11/25
YYMariana Subdction Factory Experiment Washington University in St. Louis (WUSTL)2003/06/122004/05/12
Z3AlpArray Eidgendssisch Technische Hochschule (ETH Zurich) - Swiss Seismological Service2017/04/252018/04/25
Z4Chilean 2010 post-seismic response Oregon State University (OSU USA)2012/05/052013/03/18
Z5Seismicity, Structure and Dynamics of the Gorda Deformation Zone Oregon State University (OSU USA)2013/09/242015/10/28
Z6Meramex GEOFON Program (GFZ-Potsdam, Germany)2004/05/022004/10/03
Z6OBS survey of Kilauea's submarine south flank following the May 4, 2018 M6.9 earthquake and Lower East Rift Zone eruption Scripps Institution of Oceanography (SIO)2018/07/092018/09/16
Z6Forsyth Deployment near the South Shatsky Fracture Zone UC San Diego2009/10/192010/11/01
ZANoMelt Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI)2011/11/302013/01/07
ZDSeismcity of Quebrada-Discovery-gofur- Transforms ( QDG) Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI)2007/12/232009/01/26
ZFAlaska Langseth Experiment to Understand the megaThrust Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory (LDEO), Columbia University2011/07/022011/07/12
ZLSea of Cortez Ocean Bottom Array Scripps Institution of Oceanography (SIO)2005/10/162006/10/10
ZLShatsky Rise Active Source Experiment OBSIP Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI)2010/07/262010/09/02
ZMSeismicity of the Atlantis Massif, Mid Atlantic Ridge Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI)2005/06/052006/03/25
ZMSoutheast Indian Ridge, EW-0114 Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory (LDEO), Columbia University2001/12/122002/01/18
ZNPapua Peninsula-Woodlark Rift Imaging Experiment Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory (LDEO), Columbia University2010/03/022011/01/28
ZSSeismicity of East Coast Submarine Landslides Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI)2012/07/062013/11/22
ZTTesting of a Deep-Water, Acoustically-Linked, Moored- Buoy Seafloor Observatory IRIS HQ (DC)2003/11/192004/01/19
ZUShear Wave Studies of Hydrate Ridge, Oregon Continental Margin University of Texas at Austin2002/08/162002/08/30
ZUSeismic imaging of volcano construction, underplating and flexure along the Hawaiian-Emperor Seamount Chain IRIS OBSIP (OBSIP)2018/09/112019/05/27
ZUMarine Observations of Anisotropy near Aotearoa Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI)2009/01/312010/02/14
ZVMonitoring of Augustine Volcano Eruption using Ocean Bottom Seismometers Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI)2006/02/082006/03/27
ZXBransfield Strait University of Washington2019/01/102020/02/20
ZZUSGS Puerto Rico Trence Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI)2015/05/132016/06/02
ZZCYCLADES GEOFON Program (GFZ-Potsdam, Germany)2003/07/172005/03/26